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Services and Programs

See below for details about each service and links to refer.

Breastfeeding Support

We are happy to see your patients before delivery to address any issues that may interfere with breastfeeding, and/or provide infant feeding support in the postnatal period.  Please refer your patients PRIOR to delivery to minimize administrative delays.  Once we receive the referral, your patient will receive an e-mail with a link to book their appointment once their child is born.

From the OCEAN health map, search "GROW - Grounded Roots, Open Wings", and choose either "Breastfeeding Consultation - Mother to be seen PREnatally" or "Breastfeeding Support (including tongue tie release) - Mother-baby dyad to be seen POSTnatally".

Breastfeeding support visits are also available without a referral through our breastfeeding counsellors (private pay fees apply). 


G.R.O.W. is a registered charity and not-for-profit organization located at Prisma Health Care Collaborative, that supports women and families in London, Ontario and surrounding areas. To learn more, click the link below to be taken to the G.R.O.W. homepage.

Therapeutic and Cosmetic Dermatology and Minor Procedures

At P.C.S.P. referrals are accepted from physicians, nurse practitioners, and midwives for all kinds of skin conditions. Click on the logo above to visit the website.  

PC Skin is our newest addition!  Offering neurotoxin (Botox), fillers, and more, we aim to meet all of your skin care needs!

We also use these modalities to treat TMJ, migraines, hyperhidrosis and other pain conditions!

Referrals not required for cosmetic treatments.  All others can be referred through the general PCSP referral forms.

We are not currently accepting referrals for general primary care.  Families with children under 18 months of age may be eligible to receive care if they do not currently have a primary care provider.  

Primary Care

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