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Grounded Roots, Open Wings
a valued partner of Prisma Health Care Collaborative
We need your support!

Who do you turn to when you need parenting help or advice? 

Family? Friends?  A health care professional?

Have you ever been frustrated trying to get your mental and physical health needs met?   

What if you had no one to turn to?  

At G.R.O.W., we know that no matter what a parent has experienced in their own life, they love their children and want better for them. 

Not everyone has experienced a safe, supportive, and loving childhood, and even those that have struggle sometimes when it comes to caring for their own children. 

Parenting is hard, and children don't come with an instruction manual.

How do you teach your children to manage their feelings when you don't know how to yourself?

How do you navigate a fragmented mental and physical health system to get what you need when you can barely pay your rent each month?

How do you manage disruptive behaviours in your children when you are afraid for your own safety?

G.R.O.W. is a not-for-profit organization and registered charity focused on helping parents with the difficult but incredibly important job of parenting.

We understand that how you parent depends on your health, how you grew up, where you are in life right now, and everything in between. 
If you are on the verge of homelessness, are struggling with mental health after having children, or don't have the support you need, we can help.

Our team takes the time to understand each family, their needs, and works with them to address any issues that prevent them from being the parents they know they can be.

We support parents to build the strong, deep roots of connection that their children need to one day spread their own wings and thrive in their lives.

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